Marc A Rasmussen


Marc a Rasmussen

My previous experience includes writing the historical biography titled, “Six: A Football Coach’s Journey to a National Record”. Published in 2011 by the South Dakota State Historical Society Press, 900 Governor Drive, Pierre, SD 57501.

I have written a feature article for the South Dakota Magazine in support of the book noted above.

Professional background:

I have been in the banking industry for 42 years. I am an executive at a mid-sized regional bank in Central South Dakota. I am a fourth generation South Dakotan whose Great-Great Uncle William Ebenzer Jayne was the first territorial governor of Dakota Territory and was Abe Lincoln’s private physician. I am a historian with a focus on military aviation. I became a private pilot in 1978 and have been a lifelong collector of aviation memorabilia. I have a dozen motorcycles and love to ride, love to build and remodel homes and have recently become a student helicopter pilot. I am married to the love of my life and we live on the banks of the Missouri River in Fort Pierre, SD.